The Key to a Loving and Lasting Relationship
November 2013
What makes some couples achieve happy long-lasting relationships, while others, in spite of trying, do not?
The key to a loving and lasting relationship is locked up in understanding and accepting a good-enough paradigm.
In reading the book you will come to realise that meaningful relationships have to be re-negotiated and re-chosen in order to adapt and grow.
It is available at Exclusive Books and as an e-book through or through
Borderline Personality Disorder: A Mal du Siecle?
July/August 2008
"Borderline Personality Disorder: A Mal du Siècle?", was co-authored with Robyn Fasser and appeared in the July/August 2008 edition of The New Therapist.
Borderline personality disorder was ‘identified’ by Stern in 1938 as a syndrome and included in the DSM-III in 1980. The questions are: To what extent does borderline personality disorder reflect the current maladies affecting society? Is it a consequence of a depersonalised, uncertain and rapidly changing world? Has it become the ‘Mal du siècle’ of our times?
Thoughts on Ethics, Psychotherapy and Postmodernism
March 2004
Another paper co-authored with Robyn Fasser, entitled "Thoughts on Ethics, Psychotherapy and Postmodernism", appeared in the SA Journal of Psychology in March 2004.
The purpose of this article is to describe some postmodern implications for the ethical conduct of therapists. In our opinion, one of the overriding implications is the increase in the ethical responsibility held by therapists. In a context that rejects objectivity, redefines boundaries and broadens the notion of the client, the ‘buck stops’ with the therapist. Consequentially, with an increased emphasis on the ethical responsibility of therapists - training, curricula and ethical codes have to be revisited. This article is a postmodern discourse. In deconstructing the text, the reader engages in and assigns meaning to, it. This process is an echo of the therapeutic relationship, in which therapist and client engage each other and assign meaning to the texts presented in therapy. All behaviour in this dynamic relationship has ethical implications that therapists need to manage. Thus, the postmodern therapist “is the ethics”.